The Union Finance Minister, Smt. Nirmala Sitharaman on Tuesday, presented her Seventh consecutive budget speech. The budget focuses on four…
Magazine on Tax Update Part-5 (June-2024) || Online Publication-13.07.2024 Subscription Option Available Subscription for E-GST Update Rates (Hindi) YEAR PRICE…
जीएसटी काउंसिल की बैठक के नए निर्णय से मिली व्यापारियों/ कारोबारियों को राहत जीएसटी परिषद की 53वीं बैठक 22 जून…
जीएसटी अपडेट(हिन्दी)पत्रिका भाग -IV ( मई-जून2024) Pub Date:- 28.06.2024 Subscription Option Available Subscription for E-GST Update Rates (Hindi)…
जीएसटी परिषद की 53वीं बैठक की सिफारिशें जीएसटी परिषद ने वित्त वर्ष 2017-18, 2018-19 और 2019 20 के लिए सीजीएसटी…
RECOMMENDATIONS: MAJOR RECOMMENDATIONS OF 53rd GST COUNCIL MEETING The 53rd GST Council met under the chairperson of Union Minister for…
GUIDELINES ON ISSUANCE OF SUMMONS UNDER SECTION 70 OF THE CGST ACT-2017 Instruction No:-03/2022-23 (GST-Investigation) It has been brought to…
Refund on Account of Export of Goods (With Payment of Tax) Q 1. Am I eligible to receive the…
Filing an Appeal against Demand Order (FORM GST APL-01) Q 1. Who can file an appeal to the Appellate Authority?…
Interest on Loan for Purchasing Agricutural Land not Allowable U/s 36 (III) of Income Tax Act (Kerala High Court) HIGH…