Interest on Loan for Purchasing Agricutural Land not Allowable U/s 36 (III) of Income Tax Act (Kerala High Court) HIGH…
जीएसटी अपडेट (हिन्दी) पत्रिका ||Date of Pub.:- 14.05.2024 भाग -III ( अप्रैल 2024) Also Subscription Option Available For Online Payment…
WHAT IS GST COUNCIL AND ITS FUNCTION? The GST Council is a constitutional body and Creation of the GST Council…
E GST Magazine Hindi or English Also Subscription Option Available For Online Payment Subscription Charges Click below link Subscription Rates…
महत्वपूर्ण अंतिम तिथि Important Due Dates 10th मार्च 2024 जीएसटीआर-7 में काटे गये और जमा किये गये टीडीएस (TDS) का…
Penalty for failure to comply with notice under section 142(1) or 143(2) Penalty under section 272A is levied if a…
तलाक के बाद चाइल्ड कस्टडी किसे सुनिश्चित की जाती है ? चाइल्ड कस्टडी एक ऐसी प्रक्रिया है जिसके माध्यम से…
Concept of pre-deposit As mentioned earlier, the right to appeal is a statutory right which operates within the limitations placed…
Magazine on Tax Update Part-I Dec-Jan-2024 “The Magazine Series will provide 12 parts in a year." Online Edition: - 05.02.2024…
Calcutta High Court: - Carrying of Soft copy of Invoice is not valid physical copy of Invoice is mandatory. GST…