Act / Rules Criminal Law Latest Law News & Updates Law Article Law Judiciary Law News

तलाक के बाद चाइल्ड कस्टडी: सुनिश्चित करने की प्रक्रिया और कानूनी प्रमुखताएं

तलाक के बाद चाइल्ड कस्टडी किसे सुनिश्चित की जाती है ? चाइल्ड कस्टडी एक ऐसी प्रक्रिया है जिसके माध्यम से न्यायालय तय करता है कि माता-पिता के तलाक के बाद बच्चे की कस्टडी किसे दी जाएगी। यह प्रक्रिया बच्चे की जिम्मेदारी को सुनिश्चित करने का एक तरीका है और उसके भविष्य की देखभाल को सुनिश्चित […]

Act / Rules Article Criminal Law Latest Law News & Updates Law Article

Politicians and Crime with Case Laws related to disqualification of Politicians

Politicians’ Crime with Case Laws related to disqualification of Politicians Abraham Lincoln says, “ Democracy is a government of the people, by the people and for the people” India a democratic country, and a democratic form of government as we elect our own representative who is responsible for governing the country, therefore it is very […]

Act / Rules Article Criminal Law Latest Law News & Updates Law Article


DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THEFT, ROBBERY, DACOIT THEF  IPC Section 378 defines “Theft” ROBBERY   IPC Section 390 defines “Robbery”. DACOITY  IPC Section 391 defines “Dacoity”. According to Sec. 378 of IPC: – Theft is when someone steals a movable property out of your possession with the intention of stealing it from you (physical removal of an object). According […]

Act / Rules Article Criminal Law Judgement


SCOPE OF SECTION 156 (3) OF THE CODE OF CRIMINAL PROCEDURE || 156 OF CRPC Preamble of our Constitution guarantees to a citizen, justice, liberty, equality and fraternity. All these are possible only when there is rule of law. The rule of law could discernibly be dissected into two well accepted concepts: (I) governance and (ii) administration   of   justice.  It can be said that […]

Act / Rules Article Code of Criminal Procedure Criminal Law Indian Penal Code, 1860 Latest Law News & Updates Law Article Section

Who is a juvenile? Why does a child become a juvenile delinquent? New law of juvenile justice

Who is a juvenile? Who is a juvenile? A juvenile means a person who has not completed the age of eighteen. Today it is the universally accepted definition of a child that comes from the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. Section 83 of the IPC states that nothing is a crime, […]

Article Constitution Criminal Law Indian Penal Code, 1860 Legal Advice

यदि कोई व्यक्ति अनजाने में धर्म का अपमान करता है तो क्या वह धारा 295-अ का दोषी होगा ?||If a person unknowingly insults religion, will he be guilty of Section 295-A?

यदि कोई व्यक्ति अनजाने में धर्म का अपमान करता है तो क्या वह धारा 295-अ का दोषी होगा ? (section 295a ipc in hindi) उपरोक्त प्रश्न का जवाब है नहीं, यदि कोई व्यक्ति अनजाने में बिना किसी गलत उद्देश्य के किसी भी वर्ग के धर्म का अपमान करता है, तो उसे सजा नहीं दी जाएगी,क्योकि […]

Act / Rules Article Article Article Code of Criminal Procedure Criminal Law Feature Post Indian Penal Code, 1860 Latest Law News & Updates Law Article Uncategorized

क्या आप जानते है आपके क़ानूनी अधिकार जिसके अंतर्गत पुलिस नहीं कर सकती है आपको गिरफ्तार?- with महिलाओं के कानूनी अधिकार |Do you know your legal rights under which the police cannot arrest you?

क्या आप जानते है आपके क़ानूनी अधिकार जिसके अंतर्गत पुलिस नहीं कर सकती है आपको गिरफ्तार? गिरफ्तार व्यक्ति के अधिकार:- भारतीय नागरिको को गिरफ्तारी से सम्बंधित क़ानूनी अधिकारों का पता नहीं होने से भ्रष्टाचार, धोखेबाजी बढती जा रही है, ऐसे में अगर पुलिस आपको गिरफ्तार करती है तो आपको गिरफ्तारी से सम्बंधित अधिकारों का पता […]

Article Code of Criminal Procedure Criminal Law Indian Penal Code, 1860 Latest Law News & Updates Law Article Punishment of offences committed beyond, but which by law may be tried within, India Section Student Uncategorized

भारतीय अतीत की दण्ड व्यवस्था बनाम भारत की वर्तमान दण्ड व्यवस्था ||Indian past punishment system vs present punishment system of India||Types of Punishment

जानिए अतीत की दण्ड व्यवस्था क्या थी |Know what was the punishment system of the past in india भारत में दण्ड के विकास की यात्रा अत्यंत लम्बी है | भारत की दण्ड व्यवस्था के निर्मम एवं बर्बर दण्ड से परिवीक्षा एवं भर्तसना जैसे सुधारात्मक दण्ड तक का सफ़र तय किया है | अतीत की दण्ड […]

Act / Rules Article Criminal Law F & q Feature Post Formats Latest Law News & Updates

What is Transit remand? ||With Example

What is Transit remand? What is Transit remand:- Transit remand is defined in Section 80 of the Code of Criminal Procedure  If a warrant of arrest is executed outside the district in which it was issued — unless the court that issued the warrant is within 30 km (thirty kilometres) the person has to be produced in a […]

Article Code of Criminal Procedure Criminal Law F & q Latest Law News & Updates Law Article Section


POWER OF A JUDGE TO PUT QUESTIONS TO ANY WITNESS, IN ANY FORM, AT ANY TIME POWER OF A JUDGE TO PUT QUESTIONS TO ANY WITNESS, IN ANY FORM, AT ANY TIME Section 165 of the Indian Evidence Act, 1872 provides for the power of a judge to put questions to any witness according to […]