What is Black Warrant (Form No. 42) Black warrant Meaning:- The black warrant is addressed to the office in charge of the jail. It is also known as a death warrant or execution warrant, it identifies the convict who has been sentenced to death, the case, the day of his or her awarded death penalty […]
Doctrine of Res Gestae || When such statement cannot be considered to be part of Same Transactions
Doctrine of Res Gestae || When such statement cannot be considered to be part of Same Transactions Res Gestae is taken from Latin word which means “things done”. The term Res gestae literally means Related facts such facts which form part of a transaction are called Res gestae. The main object of section 6 of […]
राष्ट्रीय सुरक्षा अधिनियम-1980 (National Security Act 1980), रासुका क्या है ?
रासुका क्या है ? What Is National Security Act In Hindi रासुका क्या है:- रासुका जिसका पूरा नाम राष्ट्रीय सुरक्षा अधिनियम है, और इंग्लिश में NSA जिसका पूरा नाम National Security Act है, राष्ट्रीय सुरक्षा अधिनियम-1980, देश की सुरक्षा के लिए सरकार को अधिक शक्ति देने से संबंधित एक कानून है, यह कानून राज्य और […]
What is Difference between SDO and SDM ? -with How to become SDO/SDM
Difference between SDO and SDM Difference between SDO and SDM– SDO and SDM are two legal terms that are often confused us to mean, it is generally believed that both the terms refer to one and the posts, Actually, Judge and Magistrate differ in more than one aspect, Let us13 study about this matter:- Most […]
भारत में कोविड-19 महामारी में सरकार के आदेश को नजर अंदाज करना पड़ सकता है भारी || भारतीय दंड संहिता की धारा 188, 269,270
भारत में कोविड-19 महामारी में सरकार के आदेश को नजर अंदाज करना पड़ सकता है भारी संसार में फैली इस महामारी कोरोना वायरस कोविड-19 (Coronavirus disease 2019) से निपटने के लिए विश्व के सभी देश भरपूर प्रयास कर रहे है, भारत द्वारा भी पूरा प्रयास किया जा रहा है. भारत में इस महामारी को रोकने […]
What is Differences between Magistrate and Judge-Key Difference
Differences between Magistrate and Judge: – Differences between Judge and Magistrate:- Judge and Magistrate are two legal terms that are often confused us to mean, it is generally believed that both the terms refer to one and the same person. Actually, Judge and Magistrate differ in more than one aspect. Let us study about this […]
Article on Special Leave Petition (SLP) ||What is the Time limit to file special leave petition
Special Leave Petition “Mahatma Gandhi”-“Unjust law is in itself a species of violence. The arrest is more for its violation. Now the law of non-violence says that violence should not be countered by violence but non-violence. I do this by breaking the law and giving peace and arrest and imprisonment. ‘ What is special leave […]
Case Study on Exemption from personal appearance (Accused) 138 NI Act
Case Study on Exemption from personal appearance (Accused) 138 NI Act “Taking into account the position of law explained in the above mentioned cases and the circumstances brought forth on record of this case, I find merit in the stand taken on behalf of the petitioner. Undisputedly the petitioner has been residing in Aurangabad Maharashtra […]
The Process Of Prosecution & Criminal Trial Against Dishonour of A Cheque Under Section 138 of NI Act || Different Stages of Cheque Bounce Case
The Process Of Prosecution & Criminal Trial Against Dishonour of A Cheque Under Section 138 of NI Act || Cheque Bounce Case solution If the Cheque presented before the bank is bounced for insufficient fund, exceeds the arrangement made with the bank or some other reasons, the demand notice to be send for payment within 30 […]
Provisions related to summary Trials || Section 260 to 265 of CrPC
Provisions related to summary Trials What is a Summary Trial? :-Summary trial is the name given to trials where cases are speedily disposed and the procedure are simplified and the recording of such trials are done summarily. In a summary trial only, The principle of the summary trial is based on the legal maxim ‘justice delayed is justice denied small offences are tried […]