भाग-I प्रत्येक पंजीकृत व्यापारी जो माल और सेवाओं या दोनों ही कार्य करता है तो उस व्यापारी द्वारा प्रत्यक्ष रूप से आम पोर्टल व अधिसूचित सुविधा केंद्र के माध्यम से रिटर्न प्रस्तुत करना आवश्यक होगा, इस भाग में हम Form GSTR -1, GSTR-1A, GSTR-2, GSTR-2A, GSTR-3 के बारे जानकारी आपके सामने प्रस्तुत कर रहे है, गुड्स […]
GST Article
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Due date of GST Returns July and Aug-2017
English और हिंदी में पढ़े The GST Council discussions in the 17th GST Council Meeting held on 18th June, 2017, taking into account the concerns expressed by the trade and industry regarding filing of the returns in GST regime, it has been decided that, for the first two months of GST implementation. the tax would […]
Revised GST Rate on Certain Goods as per GST Council Meeting held on 11th June, 2017
Chart of Revised GST Rate on Certain Goods:- S. No- क्रमांक Description of goods (माल का विवरण) Earlier GST rate(पूर्व जीएसटी दर) Revised GST Rate (संशोधित जीएसटी दर) 1. Cashew nut (काजू ) 12% 5% 2. Raisin (किशमिश) 12% 5% 3. Rough precious and semi-precious stones (अनमोल और अर्ध कीमती पत्थरों) 3% 0.25% 4. Ketchup […]
जीएसटी में अब एक नजर ई-वे बिल (E-WAY BILL) पर
Click Here to Latest Recommendations made during the 26th meeting for E-Way Bill Rule on 10th March, 2018 Old Rules राजस्थान ई-वे बिल (जीएसटी नियम 138) से संबंधित अपडेट नियम ई-वे बिल से संबंधित अपडेट नियम ( rules related to e-bill) ई-वे बिल (E-WAY BILL) जीएसटी ड्राफ्ट Rules के आधार पर जीएसटी में […]
Refund Forms detail and Refund Procedure in GST
Refund Procedure in GST (I) Forms detail:-
GST Draft return forms detail as per final GST Act/Rule
GST Draft return forms detail
GST Draft Rule for E-Way Bill
GST Rule for E-Way Bill E-Way bill related detail According to the form:- GST e way bill Sr. No. Form Number Content 1 FORM GST INS-01 Any Registered person/ dealer who causes carry of goods of consignment value exceeding 50000.00 rupees Furnish information relating to the said goods before commencement of carry. 2 FORM […]
Rate of Tax and draft formats on Composition Levy under GST Act/Rule
Composition Scheme Under GST Composition Scheme Under GST The Indian Govt. wants to roll out The Historic Goods and Service Tax regime of business compliance in India- From- July 1, 2017, Large Organizations have the requisite resources and expertise to address these requirements. On the other side, many startups and Small Enterprises may struggle to […]