Input Tax Credit on Closing Stock (PART-II in Hindi ) पिछले भाग में जीएसटी इनपुट टैक्स क्रेडिट के समायोजन व इनपुट टैक्स क्रेडिट के बारे में सामान्य भाषा में समझाया गया था, इनपुट टैक्स क्रेडिट भाग-II में वैट, सेंट्रल एक्साइज, और सर्विस टैक्स में पंजीकृत करदाताओ को सेनवेट व वैट का क्लोजिंग बैलेंस और क्लोजिंग स्टॉक […]
Tax Article
Tax Article
TDS Rates List for FY.2017-18 as per Finance Act 2017
TDS Rates List for F.Y. 2017-18/A.Y-2018-19 as per Finance Act 2017
Full list of Rate and HSN Code of GST Goods
Full list of Rate and HSN Code in 4 digit of GST Goods. The GST rate structure for goods have been notified. Goods organised rate wise in schedules I to VII as per list given below. INDEX SCHEDULE AND GOODS GST RATE PAGE NO. SCHEDULE I: LIST OF GOODS HSN Code of Live sheep and goats […]
जीएसटी इनपुट टैक्स क्रेडिट-भाग-I (Input Tax Credit-Part-I) || Input Tax Credit in Hindi
जीएसटी इनपुट टैक्स क्रेडिट भाग-I (Input Tax Credit In hindi)
GST Tax Invoice, GST Credit Note Format in Excel, Debit Notes Formats in Excel ||GST Rule for Invoice, Credit Note, Debit Note Etc. updated 01.06.2021
[popup id=”latest update of law and tax” title=”latest update of law and tax” theme_id=”7715″ size=”small” width_unit=”px” height_unit=”px” location=”center top” position_right=”0″ position_left=”0″ position_bottom=”0″ position_top=”100″ animation_type=”fade” animation_speed=”350″ animation_origin=”center top”]Please add this site for latest update of law and tax[/popup] Formats (GST Tax Invoice,GST Credit Note Format in Excel,GST Debit note format in Excel ) Click here for […]
GST Composition Scheme (In Hindi)
जीएसटी कम्पोजिशन स्कीम (GST Composition Scheme )
Enrolment of GST Practitioner
Enrolment of GST Practitioner has been started from 25th June Section 48 of the Central Goods and Service Tax Act-2017 provides for the authorisation of an eligible person to act as approved GST practitioner. A registered person may authorize an approved GST practitioner to furnish information, on his behalf, to the government. The manner of […]
GST Impact: The prices increase for the common man
GST Impact (in Hindi and English)
भाग-I जीएसटी रिटर्न्स (हिंदी में)
भाग-I प्रत्येक पंजीकृत व्यापारी जो माल और सेवाओं या दोनों ही कार्य करता है तो उस व्यापारी द्वारा प्रत्यक्ष रूप से आम पोर्टल व अधिसूचित सुविधा केंद्र के माध्यम से रिटर्न प्रस्तुत करना आवश्यक होगा, इस भाग में हम Form GSTR -1, GSTR-1A, GSTR-2, GSTR-2A, GSTR-3 के बारे जानकारी आपके सामने प्रस्तुत कर रहे है, गुड्स […]
Due date of GST Returns July and Aug-2017
English और हिंदी में पढ़े The GST Council discussions in the 17th GST Council Meeting held on 18th June, 2017, taking into account the concerns expressed by the trade and industry regarding filing of the returns in GST regime, it has been decided that, for the first two months of GST implementation. the tax would […]