ITAT Surat held that Legal Ignorance No Excuse for Delayed Appeal Filing IN THE INCOME TAX APPELLATE TRIBUNAL, SURAT BENCH (SMC), SURAT BEFORE SHRI PAWAN SINGH, JUDICIAL MEMBER Nileshkumar Chhaganbhai Vasoya Vs ITO (Surat) Appeal Number : ITA No. 64/Srt/2023 Date of Judgement/Order : 08/05/2023 Assessment Year: 2017-18 Order under Section 254(1) of Income […]
Tag: advance income tax
Is a Resident senior citizen granted exemption from payment of advance tax (Income tax)? ||Advance Tax on Senior Citizen
Payment of advance tax on Senior Citizen Payment of advance tax–As per section 208 of Income Tax Act, every person whose estimated tax liability for the year is 10,000 Rupees. or more, shall pay his tax in advance, in the form of “advance tax“. However, section 207 of income tax act gives relief from payment of advance tax […]