SCOPE OF SECTION 156 (3) OF THE CODE OF CRIMINAL PROCEDURE || 156 OF CRPC Preamble of our Constitution guarantees to a citizen, justice, liberty, equality and fraternity. All these are possible only when there is rule of law. The rule of law could discernibly be dissected into two well accepted concepts: (I) governance and (ii) administration of justice. It can be said that […]
Tag: criminal procedure code
What is Transit remand? ||With Example
What is Transit remand? What is Transit remand:- Transit remand is defined in Section 80 of the Code of Criminal Procedure If a warrant of arrest is executed outside the district in which it was issued — unless the court that issued the warrant is within 30 km (thirty kilometres) the person has to be produced in a […]
राष्ट्रीय सुरक्षा अधिनियम-1980 (National Security Act 1980), रासुका क्या है ?
रासुका क्या है ? What Is National Security Act In Hindi रासुका क्या है:- रासुका जिसका पूरा नाम राष्ट्रीय सुरक्षा अधिनियम है, और इंग्लिश में NSA जिसका पूरा नाम National Security Act है, राष्ट्रीय सुरक्षा अधिनियम-1980, देश की सुरक्षा के लिए सरकार को अधिक शक्ति देने से संबंधित एक कानून है, यह कानून राज्य और […]
Bail In India ||Types Of Bail In India ||Basic Rules of grant or denial of bail may simply be summarized as per Crpc ||Anticipatory bail
Bail There is no definition of the term “bail” under the criminal procedure code though the terms “bailable” and “non-bailable” have been defined. In other word Bail, in law, means procurement of release from imprisonment of a person awaiting trial or an appeal, by the deposit of security to ensure his submission at the required […]
झूठी FIR दर्ज होने पर क्या करे || झूठी FIR होने पर पुलिस कार्यवाही से कैसे बचे || In herent powers of High Court (CrPC Section 482)
झूठी FIR दर्ज होने पर क्या करे || झूठी FIR होने पर पुलिस कार्यवाही से कैसे बचे (CrPC Section 482) दंड प्रक्रिया संहिता की धारा 482 का प्रयोग करके झूठी FIR दर्ज होने का समाधान किया जा सकता है, कुछ लोगों में छोटी मोटी कहासुनी होने पर या कोई मतभेद उत्पन्न होने पर आपस में […]