form gstr-1

What is the difference between Casual Taxable Person and Non-resident Taxable Person in GST?

What is the difference between Casual Taxable Person and Non-resident Taxable Person in GST? Casual and Non-resident taxable persons are…

6 years ago

Due Date of GST return

Due Dates of GST Return Every registered person supplies of goods or services or both required to furnish the returns…

8 years ago

भाग-I जीएसटी रिटर्न्स (हिंदी में)

भाग-I  प्रत्येक पंजीकृत व्यापारी जो माल और सेवाओं या दोनों ही कार्य करता है तो उस व्यापारी द्वारा प्रत्यक्ष रूप से…

8 years ago