Waiver of interest and late fee under GST for the month of March and April, 2021 Government has granted waiver from payment of interest and/or late fee to normal & composition taxpayers (Monthly / Quarterly) for the month of March and April, 2021, through Central Tax Notification No. 08/2021 and Notification No. 09/2021, both dated 1st […]
Tag: legal tax guru
What are the Types of Returns Under GST law ? ||What is Return Under GST?
What is Return Under GST? What is Return Under GST?:- Every registered GST person paying GST is required to furnish an electronic return every month or Quarterly on GST Portal. A “GST Return” is a document that showcases the Total Turnover (Sales and Purchase, Tax Etc) of a registered taxpayer. The Goods and Service Tax […]
SCOPE OF SECTION 156 (3) OF THE CODE OF CRIMINAL PROCEDURE || 156 OF CRPC Preamble of our Constitution guarantees to a citizen, justice, liberty, equality and fraternity. All these are possible only when there is rule of law. The rule of law could discernibly be dissected into two well accepted concepts: (I) governance and (ii) administration of justice. It can be said that […]
GST Registration Provision
GST Registration Provision The provision of GST registration has been prescribed under chapter VI of the CGST Act, 2017 and Section 22 to Section 30 of the CGST Act, deals with the registration by every supplier of goods and services. Contents (Click for View) S. No Particular (Click for View) Section 1. Person liable for […]
Availability of credit in special circumstances Under GST (Section 18).
Availability of credit in special circumstances Under GST (Section 18). availability of credit in special circumstances under gst In case of new registration, shifting from composition scheme & exempt supply becomes taxable supply [Section 18 (1)(a)] a GST person who has applied for registration under the GST Act within 30 (thirty) days from the date […]
CBDT Extends due date for ITRs filing for AY 2019-20
CBDT Extended due date for income tax return ay 2019-20 The CBDT (Central Board of Direct Taxes ) has further extended the due date for filing personal income tax returns for A Y 2019-20 (FY 2018-19) In this context, on further consideration of genuine difficulties being faced by the taxpayers due to the outbreak of […]
What is the Extended Due Date for Income Tax Filing? FY 2019-20, AY 2020-21
What is the Due Date for Tax Filing? FY 2019-20, AY 2020-21 And A.Y 2019-20 For the FY 2019-20, the due date for all taxpayers stands extended (COVID-19 relief measures) to 30th November 2020. Here’s the table of the Extended due dates for Financial Year 2019-20 for different categories of taxpayers: Category of Income Tax […]
Penalty on receipt of an amount of Rs. 2 lakh or more in cash
Penalty on receipt of an amount of Rs. 2 lakh or more in cash Section 269ST of Income Tax Act (as inserted by the Finance Act, 2017 with effect from 1/4/2017) provides that no person shall receive an amount of 2,00,000 Rupees or more, — 1.in aggregate amount from a person in a day; [As […]
यदि कोई व्यक्ति अनजाने में धर्म का अपमान करता है तो क्या वह धारा 295-अ का दोषी होगा ?||If a person unknowingly insults religion, will he be guilty of Section 295-A?
यदि कोई व्यक्ति अनजाने में धर्म का अपमान करता है तो क्या वह धारा 295-अ का दोषी होगा ? (section 295a ipc in hindi) उपरोक्त प्रश्न का जवाब है नहीं, यदि कोई व्यक्ति अनजाने में बिना किसी गलत उद्देश्य के किसी भी वर्ग के धर्म का अपमान करता है, तो उसे सजा नहीं दी जाएगी,क्योकि […]
भारतीय अतीत की दण्ड व्यवस्था बनाम भारत की वर्तमान दण्ड व्यवस्था ||Indian past punishment system vs present punishment system of India||Types of Punishment
जानिए अतीत की दण्ड व्यवस्था क्या थी |Know what was the punishment system of the past in india भारत में दण्ड के विकास की यात्रा अत्यंत लम्बी है | भारत की दण्ड व्यवस्था के निर्मम एवं बर्बर दण्ड से परिवीक्षा एवं भर्तसना जैसे सुधारात्मक दण्ड तक का सफ़र तय किया है | अतीत की दण्ड […]